Dan and Linda Hull live in Sugarhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah. They have traveled to Australia and to Northern Ireland twice each in the last five years visiting relatives of Richard Hull Descendents and related families. They have, with the help of cousins and friends, compiled and collected records that connect more than 7000 people together and have many histories, pictures and documents that help prove these relationships.
In visiting these two areas they have developed contacts in these two countries as well as Scotland, New Zealand and the United States and Canada. These contacts have become their close friends and have hosted them as well as they have hosted them in their home in Salt Lake.
Dan's sister, Carol Earl, has created a library for the Hull family and Cynthia and Murray Hull in Australia have a very extensive collection of records in their home.
Dan is a member of the Hull Family Association of America and submits some records there also. Dan and Linda and cousins in the Hull Family in Utah, Idaho, Australia and other places are in the process of re-writing the Family book that was written back in the 1980's by Robert Rigby Hull and cousins. Included in the book will be DNA cousins that have been linked by DNA studies but haven't gotten records to link them yet. The first book included mainly the history of the Hulls in Ireland and Scotland and their migration to the United States. The new book will also include the previous histories and new chapters on the Hulls in Australia, New Zealand, Canada as well as updates on Hulls that still live in Northern Ireland and Scotland and other areas of the world.